The story of Mary anointing Jesus with perfume is short and can be read directly from the Bible to your students. Here are some highlights and context:
The important thing to get across to your students is that this was done in preparation for the Jesus' crucifixion and burial.
(Note: This story is the subject of considerable debate. All four gospels record an event where Jesus was anointed with costly oil by a woman. The question is whether it is one event told in all four gospels, or whether there were two different events, one recorded in Matthew, Mark, and John and a separate event recorded in Luke. We won't go into all the details of each argument. Rather, we focus on the John account in telling this story. For reference, the other accounts of Jesus being anointed with oil are in Matthew 26:6-13, Mark 14:3-9, and Luke 7:36-50)
Does your mom wear perfume? Or your dad cologne? Do you like the smell of it? Do you ever wear perfume, cologne or other smelly things?
Today, we're going to learn about a time in the Bible when someone poured a bunch of expensive perfume all over Jesus!
Read story from a Children's storybook Bible for younger children.
For older children, read the story from an age-appropriate Children's storybook Bible or tell the story yourself.
Scripture for Kids to Read Aloud John 12:1-8
First, ask the children if they have any questions about the story. What to do if you don't know the answer?
The following verses are examples of anointing in the Bible. Read different versions of the Bible to get a full understanding.