Lesson Prep

Background Scripture (read 2-3 times during the week)

Genesis 18:1-15, Genesis 21, 22

Story Summary

This story has two basic parts - the birth of Isaac and Abraham's test.

Keep in mind that the testing of Abraham is a hard concept for young kids to understand. That part of the story may be better suited for the later elementary students.

At this point,  Abraham and Sarah had left their homeland for the land God called them to. Abraham took a second wife, Hagar, Sarah's maidservant. They had a son, Ishmael. Let the students know it was common practice during Old Testament times for a man to have multiple wives. 

Three visitors appeared to Abraham, while he was sitting in the entrance to his tent. Following the customs of the day regarding guests, Abraham bowed low to the ground, referred to them as "my lord" and had water brought for them to wash their feet. Abraham arranged for a meal to be prepared. Sarah was asked to make bread, while Abraham chose a tender calf, along with curds and milk. 

Sarah was listening when Abraham was told he and Sarah would be having a son.Sarah was old and had been unable to have a child. She laughed at the thought. When asked why she laughed, she was afraid, so she denied it. Sarah had a son at the very time God had promised. He was named Isaac, which means laughter.

Abraham was asked to take his son, Isaac, and offer him as a sacrifice. Abraham prepared to obey, but God stopped him and provided a ram as a burnt offering. "Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld your son, your only son." Genesis 22:12. "...because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore." Genesis 22:16-17

If you are including this part of the story in your lesson, the key thing to emphasize to the children is that Isaac was a very special child to Abraham and Sarah, because of the promise God made to Abraham. Therefore, Abraham must have had great faith that God would keep his promise to him some way.

What You Will Need

Baby blankets, small baby toys, bottle
Snack Suggestion
Barley bread or crackers with homemade butter

Video Options

Sarah Laughs

From Saddleback Kids Hey-O Series

God's Story - Abraham and Sarah

From Crossroads Kids Club

Abraham Tested

From LifeKids

The Story of Abraham and Isaac

From Kids on the Move

Resource Sheet

Abraham, Isaac & Sarah Coloring Sheet

Take home coloring sheet. Scene of Abraham's visitors.


1. Warm Up get your kids talking and engaged

Bring baby blankets, small baby toys, bottle, and other baby supplies. Begin laying them out. Act excited about a new baby being born. Don't tell the students what baby you are referring to yet.

As they begin to ask questions, tell them they will get to meet the baby in today's Bible story.

2. Teach the Story teach a holistic story

Read story from a Children's storybook Bible for younger children.

For older children, read the story from an age-appropriate Children's storybook Bible or tell the story yourself.

3. Bible Mastery give them basic Bible skills

Scripture for Kids to Read Aloud Genesis 18:1-15

4. Comprehension Questions make sure they understand the story

First, ask the children if they have any questions about the story. What to do if you don't know the answer?

  • Who came to visit Abraham and Sarah?
  • 3 men
  • What did they make for their visitors?
  • Bread, meat, curds and milk
  • What news did they tell Abraham?
  • He was going to have a child
  • What did Sarah do when she heard the news?
  • Laughed
  • What prophecy did this story begin to fulfill?
  • That Abraham would be father of many nations
  • How did God test Abraham?
  • By asking him to sacrifice Isaac
  • Because of Abraham's obedience, what was God's promise to him?
  • That his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore

5. Faith Questions open up a conversation about faith and the gospel; close with prayer

  • Sarah had a hard time believing that she could have children as old as she was. But God is a big God and he can do amazing things.
  • Do you believe that God can do amazing things in your life?

6. Memory Verse hide God's Word in their heart

If you believe, you will receive what you ask for when you pray. Matthew 21:22

Reinforcement Activities

Name Meanings

Scripture Abraham gave the name Isaac to the son Sarah had by him. Genesis 21:3; Sarah said, "God has given laughter to me. Everyone who hears about this will laugh with me." Genesis 21:6
Supplies Baby names book with meaning, or device that can access the internet
  • Bring a book of baby names or use a computer or device to access a list of name meanings.
  • Ask each student if they know what their name means. If you are adventurous, you can have the children guess the meaning of their classmates' names.
  • Tell each student what their name means.
  • Tell the students that Isaac means "laughter". Why do you think Isaac was named that way?


Scripture Sarah said, "God has given laughter to me. Everyone who hears about this will laugh with me." Genesis 21:6
  • One child lays down, second child lays with their head on first child's stomach and so on. Try to complete circle with last child laying their head of first child's stomach.
  • First child says "Ha!" second child says "HaHa!" Third child says "HaHaHa!" and so on. Kids will be laughing so hard, they can't stop!

Welcoming Our Guests With Bread

Scripture So Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah. "Quick!" he said. "Get about half a bushel of fine flour. Mix it and bake some bread." Genesis 12:6; He then brought some curds... Genesis 12:8
Supplies Room temperature cream, canning jars, colander, a bowl or two, 1/2 tsp salt, knife spatula, bread
  • Abram and Sarai prepared a meal for the visitors.
  • Make homemade butter and serve on bread.
  • Tell the kids that Abraham welcomed his visitors with something like this

God keeps his promises craft

Scripture Gen 21 :1 ' Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised.'
Supplies Sequin Stars/stickers Blue Construction Paper (cut in half) 2 Craft Sticks Yarn 4 Large Star Cut-Outs (we pre-cut our stars using a cookie cutter)
  • 1. Glue your sequin stars all over your blue construction piece (banner).
  • 2. Punch 2 holes on the top of banner. Now, thread your yard into the holes provided. Thread it from the back of you banner to the front.
  • 3. Write "God Keeps His Promises" on your stars. One word per star & glue to banner.
  • 4. Next glue your craft sticks to you banner. Glue 1 stick to the bottom of banner & the other stick directly on top of pre-punched holes at the top of your banner. This should help secure your yarn to your banner.

Don't you smile!

Scripture Sarah said, "God has given laughter to me. Everyone who hears about this will laugh with me." Genesis 21:6
  • Try to make each of your students laugh.
  • Student that last the longest without laughing is the winner

Baby Isaac is Born!

Supplies Paper Plate, Construction paper, markers/crayons, stapler
  • Fold the bottom of the paper plate about 1/3 of the way up.
  • Fold both sides in and staple the folded sides down.
  • Glue the baby Isaac's face near the top of the paper plate so that Isaac looks tucked in swaddled clothes.
  • Have the kids write "I-S-A-A-C" on the back of the paper plate and think up a word that starts with each letter of his name to remind them of the story of Abraham, Sarah and Isaac.
  • Example:
  • I-srael
  • S-arah
  • A-braham
  • A-ge
  • C-anaan
  • Let the kids color their baby Isaac if time permits.

Flat Barley Bread

Scripture So Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah. "Quick!" he said. "Get about half a bushel of fine flour. Mix it and bake some bread." Genesis 12:6
Supplies See link below
  • Make Barley bread using a griddle

Names of God

Scripture So Abraham named that place The Lord Will Provide. To this day people say, "It will be provided on the mountain of the Lord." Genesis 22:14
Supplies blank poster board, permanent marker
  • Look up the meanings of the children's names in your class.
  • Ask them if they feel the meaning fits them?
  • In the Bible, names were very important and were often changed after important encounters with God.
  • God has a lot of names that describe who he is.
  • Begin an ongoing list of the names of God.
  • Add Jehovah Jirah- The Lord Will Provide to begin your list.

Honey, if you love me, please smile!

Scripture Sarah said, "God has given laughter to me. Everyone who hears about this will laugh with me." Genesis 21:6
  • The group sits in a circle facing inward.
  • One member of the group is 'it.'
  • The objective is for this person to make another smile.
  • He goes around the circle, picks a person, kneels, and asks him/her, 'Honey, if you love me, will you please smile?'
  • The person must respond with, 'Honey, I love you, but I just can't smile,' without smiling.
  • If he smiles, that person becomes 'it'. If the person does not convince a person to smile, he must approach another until he does.
  • One important rule: no touching
  • It is hard to contain the laughter with this game!